About us
Premier League is the oldest league in one of the oldest online games on the net - Subspace.
Split into three leagues (AML, IML and Pro) it features some of the greatest gamers who have ever lived, who for 20 hours a day will sit in front of their PC's and complain about lag, spam personal abuse and entertain the spec freq with tales of their sexual conquests in a futile attempt to hide their Oedipus complexes and latent homosexuality.
The Premier League Blog gives these social inadequates a voice and keeps them off the streets. We may even post some actual league news once in a while.
Want to be a PremBlog poster? This site is open to all Prem players to post their views, articles, predictions and rants. To get access all you need to do is open a Blogger account then e-mail us with your account name. I'll then send you an invite to join the Blog. Once you've accepted that you're free to post.
New to Subspace? Although one of the oldest games around it still has one of the largest and active communities in the online gaming world. The game client is free to download and the servers are free to play on. For more information click the button below which will take you to a website designed for new subspace players.