Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Top 10 Worst AML Squad Banners

The Vorbometer will be making it's triumphant return this season, but not until the regular season starts. So in the meantime I thought I'd do some top ten lists. Starting with the squad banners I hate the most. As ever, if you have any views, comments or suggestions then keep them too yourself because quite frankly I don't give a fuck.

10. StarFire Elite

Doesn't look like a Star. Doesn't look like Fire. Doesn't look Elite. Looks a bit like a New York skyline if you scrunch your eyes up. Change the squad name to SkyLine Elite and I'll take you off the list.

9. Fighting Foondons

Do not make banners when you're drunk, do you hear me Grunt? Ok, so it looks the same upside down or right way up, but it looks shit anyway so who cares?

8. Smirnoff

A big S. How original. Well it was when Redshift did it in 1974. If RS got royalties from every squad that has used one of their banners the whole squad could've retired by now.

7. arwing

RW? why not AW? and why arwing anyway? Why not Airwing? Why not R-Wing? That's slightly better than arwing which sounds like one of the names *NSYNC turned down as sounding too gay. And how did you lose 12-0 to BoP?

6. Liquid Inc

Three blue balls. This is just too easy, but ..... Last time I saw three blue balls was at THE GAY BAR.

5. OldGermany

OK, so this squad has gone the way of the Third Reich, but they're still listed as an active squad so they make the list. If you're going to call yourself OldGermany, spam death camp macros and choose a cross banner then show some balls and have a swastika or at least an Iron Cross not some faggy pink and red thing. I would of banned Jizzy for that alone.

4. Happy Mob

Ok... so it's brown..... and it's...... brown? Is it Happy? Is it a mob? Is it a Happy Mob? All I know is that it's brown.

3. Corrupt

Two orange diamond things. When Michael Moore becomes President of the World his first War on Corruption will be against the orange diamond things. AND HE WILL WIN. If you want a really corrupt banner, use a picture of SimonSays.

2. Afterglow

Getting Jackson Pollock to design your squad banner is fine if it's 12x8 foot, but if it's 12x8 pixels you get a few squiggly lines. Maybe it's a German thing.

1. Assent

It's a D. I'm not one of the world's greatest spellers, but there's no D in Assent as far as I can see. But unfortunately there's no A in Redshift so Ent can't steal a banner for his Diet-Dissent squad.

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