Week 4 Results
All the scores from yesterdays games:
Betrayal bt Assassins 12-5
MVP: Slimster (bet) 5-2, 1 KO, 2 assists (+156)
LVP: Dingo (Ass) 0-3 (-321)
Match Length: 16:42
BIA bt Tyranny 11-10
MVP: Tunahead (BIA) 4-2, 1 KO, 2 assists (+145)
LVP: Gruntster (Tyr) 0-3 (-238)
Match length: 45:00
darkslayers bt MMA 12-5
MVP: chrono (ds) 5-1, 1 assist (+180)
LVP: Crocop (MMA) 2-3, 1 KO, 1 TK (-121)
Match Length: 19:47
EGO bt Juggernaut 12-1
MVP: jaakko (EGO) 5-0 (+156)
LVP: Heynow21 (Jug) 0-3 (-212)
Game Length: 20:45
Symphony bt Bad 12-1
MVP: Miner (Symph) 2-0, 1 KO (+114)
LVP: tragedy (Bad) 0-3 (-203)
Game Length: 43:12
Betrayal bt Inferno 12-2
MVP: 5tonecold (Bet) 3-1, 1 KO, 2 Assists (+101)
LVP: ouj (Inf) 0-3, 1 TK, 1 KO (-154)
Game Length: 25:36
Starseed bt Birds of Prey 12-0
MVP: Murder in the First (SS) 5-0, 2 KO's, 3 assists (+233)
LVP: Designator (BoP) 0-3 (-213)
Game length: 24:03
Inferno bt Boundless 12-11
MVP: Clocker (Bound) 4-3, 2 KO's, 2 assists (+175)
LVP: Develop (Bound) 2-3, 1 assist (-161)
Game Length: 37:53
Dragonwings bt ReDS 12-3
MVP: LuRp (Dwings) 4-1, 1 KO, 3 assists (+126)
LVP: BetaMax (ReDS) 1-3 (-155)
Game Length: 25:08
Prevail bt Dedication 12-6
MVP: Unka (Prev) 5-1, 3 KO's, 1 assist (+130)
LVP: scary (Dedi) 0-2, 2 assists (-221)
Game Length: 23:54
Spell bt In Flames 12-2
MVP: Anamalech (Spell) 5-0, 2 KO's, 2 assists (+128)
LVP: Phat (IF) 0-1 (-160)
Game Length: 26:20
Llamasery bt Nightwatch 12-4
MVP: TommyPullMyLlama (llamas) 5-0, 3 KO's, 2 assists (+195)
LVP: BlueTalon (NW) 0-3 (-204)
Game Length: 24:14
The Nine bt Dissent 12-7
MVP: Indur (Nine) 4-2, 1 KO, 2 assists (+107)
LVP: EnterNOOBment (Diss) 0-2 9-196)
Game Length: 27:12
BALLISTICS bt Foodons 12-4
MVP: Dantos (Balls) 3-0, 2 assists (+113)
LVP: LordVegas (Food) 0-2 (-179)
Game Length: 26:24
Blasphemy bt Forever Silent 1-0
FS no-show
DAMN_Yankees bt Zeta-Squadron 12-5
MVP: GGF (DY) 5-1, 2 KO's, 1 assist (+187)
LVP: HBK (Zeta) 1-3 (-211)
Game Length: 22:52
NightBane bt StarFire Elite 12-5
MVP: DarkDisparage (NB) 3-0, 2 KO's, 1 assist (+137)
LVP: Raspi (SFE) 0-3 (-289)
Game Length: 21:00
CtrlShift bt Llamasery 12-1
MVP: Islord (CS) 4-1, 2 KO's, 2 assists (+188)
LVP: StormKat (llamas) 0-3 (-328)
Game Length: 9:32
Anarchists bt Wisdom Academy 12-7
MVP: A Zen Master (WA) 3-3, 1 KO, 1 assist (+150)
LVP: A naked duck (WA) 2-3, 1 assist (-89)
Game Length 28:44
Secret bt CHAOS*ZONE 12-3
MVP: Tursiops (Sec) 4-0, 2 KO's, 1 assist (+111)
LVP: EPA (CZ) 0-3 9-162)
Game Length 21:34
DeepBlue bt Gamed 1-0
Gamed no-show
ElementalForces bt TEAM HOCKEY ZONE 12-4
MVP: Technocop (EF) 3-0, 1 KO, 2 assists (+85)
LVP: white_0men (THZ) 0-3 (-265)
Game Length: 19:31
7rominence bt CRIPS 12-4
MVP: pers (7rom) 4-1, 2 KO's (+101)
LVP: Harry Dunn (CRIPS) 0-3, 1 assist (-183)
Game Length: 15:43
Shadow bt }Silence{ 12-2
MVP: ricKy (Shad) 3-1, 1 KO (+103)
LVP: Jauggernaut (Silence) 1-3 (-285)
Game Length: 10:46
Victimise bt Oracle X
MVP: ampheres (Vic) 5-2, 1 KO (+116)
LVP: Myrer (OX) 0-1, 1 assist (-171)
Game Length: 36:54
Fly-NDeath bt Warlords 12-4
MVP: ZDeathX (FnD) 3-0, 1 KO, 2 assists (+119)
LVP: Laffee (WL's) 0-2, 1 TK, 1 KO, 1 assist (-171)
Game Length: 23:42
BlackNike bt Disavowed 12-9
MVP: Frowzy (BN) 4-2, 2 KO's, 3 assists (+75)
LVP: Sephiroso (Dis) 1-3, 1 assist (-52)
Game Length: 39:19