Tuesday, August 31, 2004

The IML Three Word Predictions

I'm working on my AML predictions now and they should be ready to post in a couple of days. In the meantime more of the same crap:


De Ja Vu (Foodons by 2)

Dedication vs Dargonwings

AML That Way (Dwings by 6)

Dissent vs Nightwatch

Powered By Twinkies (Dissent by 5)

In Flames vs The Nine

Decided In OT (9 by 1)

Llamasery vs Prevail

Prevail Look Strong (Prevail by 8)

ReDS vs Spell

Very Very Ugly (Spell by 10)

Monday, August 30, 2004

AML PowerRankings

Another new feature for the PremBlog. Every four rounds of the regular season I'm going to rank the top ten squads in AML. These rankings aren't based on any stats or based on results, only my biased and twisted opinions, but just to mix things up the top 4 players I've chosen for each squad are based on MasterRater stats. after the pre-season here's how I see the top squads in AML looking:

1. BlackNike (4-0)

After an excellent comeback against Disavowed yesterday, BlackNike go into the regular season as the form team in AML. They also have something they've really lacked in the last couple of seasons; depth. Crumbs and Hell Razed are both good pick-ups, SonyRed is active for the first time since BN's championship season and the legendary Joe Bane is nothing but clutch. If you want to win AML this season you're going to have to beat BlackNike. And yes, the rumours are true. A stool is Lady of the Lake.
Last 4 games: W12-7, W12-5, W12-0, W12-9
Top 4 players: Drue. (+290), Frowzy (+202), A.W.O.L (+180), ManDude (+152)

2. DAMN_Yankees (3-1)

Most peoples favourite for the title, although most people don't know who they are. I have my suspicions though. With Blackdragon out of league and most of BD not on league rosters I'm guessing that this is the old DY/Unforeseen line-up. The reason that I have them ranked below BN is that they haven't put it all together in one match yet. In pre-season you don't expect teams to put out their best four, but I can only rank on what I've seen and right now DY aren't playing like a #1 squad, but look out when they start to put out their strongest lines.
Last 4 games: W12-4, L7-12, W12-3, W12-5
Top 4 players: Zombie (+366), GGF (+294), MONSTER (+241), poison (+209)

3. Disavowed (3-1)

Every season Seph brings Dis to AML and says we're not trying so it's OK, but everyone knows that's a load of crap. Seph is desperate to win AML again and he has a squad that just might do it this season. The usual semi active names are back (Kurtz, Doobie, MD, Blaze etc), but he's also picked up some good active guys this season (Tragon, DudeNow, Zeeeeeeee) who are also *gasp* practicing. Dis right now are an IML playoff level squad and arguably have the deepest roster in AML. Their problem has always been activity and getting people out of HZ to practice. Looks like this season neither of those things will be a problem. And yes, the rumours are true. Zeeeeeeee is Ellis D.'s brother.
Last 4 games: W12-6, W12-4, W12-4, L9-12
Top 4 players: Zeeeeeeee (+277), DudeNow (+234), tragon (+187), Devoit (+164)

4. Victimise (3-1)

Biased, who me? In all honesty I feel that we deserve to be ranked fourth coming out of the pre-season. I always knew we would be strong this season, but I've been surprised how quickly the old vic (me, leaky, dip, Jim Morrison, Shadowseeker, Megus) have combined with the new vic (ampheres, bongman, Geneva, vomit). We're not at the level of the big 3 yet, but we're moving in the right direction.
Last 4 games: W11-6, L8-12, W12-4, W12-6
Top 4 players: ampheres (+323), bongman (+142), vorb (+133), Jim Morrison (+28)

5. NightBane (3-1)

NightBane are using the NB name for the first time in a few seasons and they also have almost their full WZ squad in AML after FriendlyFire pulled out of IML. I don't think we've seen the best from NB yet mostly due to the WZL regular season clashing with the AML pre-season. We might not see NB really firing on all cylinders until the playoffs, I expect them to improve game by game in the regular season and a finals appearance is not a reach for this roster.
Last 4 games: W12-5, L4-12, W12-3, W12-5
Top 4 players: DarkDisparage (+247), Onlyone (+137), Time Bomb (+51), KSki (+40)

6. ElementalForces (4-0)

As the only other undefeated team through pre-season along with BlackNike you'd expect to see EF a lot higher than sixth, but I'm not convinced. They've picked up some non-nine peeps from United, but that's another problem right there. It seems like every season EF have a completely different roster and are always starting from scratch. Despite the win over DY they had an easy pre-season schedule and still need to prove that they're for real this season.
Last 4 games: W12-1, W12-7, W12-5, W12-4
Top 4 players: iron hands (+227), Vezuvan (+186), mouser (+141), SkyOne (+104)

7. CtrlShift (2-2)

CtrlShift are starting to wake up. Miasma and A fowl wind were good pick-ups and a few of their normally hibernating roster are starting to show and play. With Redshift gone from pro this is now Redshift in all but name and I'd expect a few more familiar names on the roster before the lock. A quiet pre-season, but expect some fireworks from this squad as the season goes on.
Last 4 games: L4-12, W12-2, L3-12, W12-1
Top 4 players: Eldritch (+116), Miasma (+81), street fighter (-21), Islord (-57)

8. Oracle X (2-2)

This might be the most underrated squad on the list. OX have used the pre-season to play as many of their players as possible so have yet to show what their best four playing a full game are capable of. OX is built around ChaoticSky and the most evil spider in AML. Many squads are using cloakers now due to the increased cost in x-radar, but no squad uses it as well as OX and Chaotic. With some quality pilots to hide in and vulch from Chaotic and OX are going to give drive every squad they face nuts and will go deep into the playoffs.
Last 4 games: W12-4, W12-3, L4-12, L6-12
Top 4 players: chaoticsky (+120), Recreance (+44), AnalIntruder (+43), Federation (+26)

9. StarFire Elite (2-2)

Most people have SFE ranked higher, but this is a another case of a squad coming out of pre-season without really proving anything. With Lord Lincke back on the roster, new signings scubie and Something Dutch plus all the usual suspects back (Mauler, The Deist, MfA, Divide) SFE have a deep roster and a real run at the title a possibility , but I'm not sure if it will happen. SFE will win the games they're expected to, but when it comes to the big matches they just don't seem do get it done. The one season where they really put it together and made the AML Finals seems a long time ago now. A lot of people think that they will get that far again this season, but so far it doesn't look like it.
Last 4 games: W12-5, L3-12, W12-2, L5-12
Top 4 players: Banner (+129), MfA (+105), scubie (+51), Mauler (+46)

10. Zeta-Squadron (3-1)

Another squad who are former AML finalists and maybe a few indicators that they're back to that kind of form after a long break from SVS leagues. Digi was a good pick-up for them and sumirp and HBK along with the real key for this squad, Tritoch, make up a solid starting four. The problems are the bench, who are mostly from SWZ and have little SVS experience, although they are practicing a lot. I'd expect Zeta to make the playoffs, but that lack of depth is probably going to stop them challenging the big squads for a finals spot.
Last 4 games: W12-6, W12-8, W12-3, L5-12
Top 4 players: The Tri Guy (+309), sumirp (+101), ZL (+71), Destroyer (-27)

Week 4 Results

All the scores from yesterdays games:

Pro League Pre-Season Round 2

Betrayal bt Assassins 12-5
MVP: Slimster (bet) 5-2, 1 KO, 2 assists (+156)
LVP: Dingo (Ass) 0-3 (-321)
Match Length: 16:42

BIA bt Tyranny 11-10
MVP: Tunahead (BIA) 4-2, 1 KO, 2 assists (+145)
LVP: Gruntster (Tyr) 0-3 (-238)
Match length: 45:00

darkslayers bt MMA 12-5
MVP: chrono (ds) 5-1, 1 assist (+180)
LVP: Crocop (MMA) 2-3, 1 KO, 1 TK (-121)
Match Length: 19:47

EGO bt Juggernaut 12-1
MVP: jaakko (EGO) 5-0 (+156)
LVP: Heynow21 (Jug) 0-3 (-212)
Game Length: 20:45

Symphony bt Bad 12-1
MVP: Miner (Symph) 2-0, 1 KO (+114)
LVP: tragedy (Bad) 0-3 (-203)
Game Length: 43:12

Betrayal bt Inferno 12-2
MVP: 5tonecold (Bet) 3-1, 1 KO, 2 Assists (+101)
LVP: ouj (Inf) 0-3, 1 TK, 1 KO (-154)
Game Length: 25:36

Starseed bt Birds of Prey 12-0
MVP: Murder in the First (SS) 5-0, 2 KO's, 3 assists (+233)
LVP: Designator (BoP) 0-3 (-213)
Game length: 24:03

Inferno bt Boundless 12-11
MVP: Clocker (Bound) 4-3, 2 KO's, 2 assists (+175)
LVP: Develop (Bound) 2-3, 1 assist (-161)
Game Length: 37:53

IML Pre-Season Round 2

Dragonwings bt ReDS 12-3
MVP: LuRp (Dwings) 4-1, 1 KO, 3 assists (+126)
LVP: BetaMax (ReDS) 1-3 (-155)
Game Length: 25:08

Prevail bt Dedication 12-6
MVP: Unka (Prev) 5-1, 3 KO's, 1 assist (+130)
LVP: scary (Dedi) 0-2, 2 assists (-221)
Game Length: 23:54

Spell bt In Flames 12-2
MVP: Anamalech (Spell) 5-0, 2 KO's, 2 assists (+128)
LVP: Phat (IF) 0-1 (-160)
Game Length: 26:20

Llamasery bt Nightwatch 12-4
MVP: TommyPullMyLlama (llamas) 5-0, 3 KO's, 2 assists (+195)
LVP: BlueTalon (NW) 0-3 (-204)
Game Length: 24:14

The Nine bt Dissent 12-7
MVP: Indur (Nine) 4-2, 1 KO, 2 assists (+107)
LVP: EnterNOOBment (Diss) 0-2 9-196)
Game Length: 27:12

BALLISTICS bt Foodons 12-4
MVP: Dantos (Balls) 3-0, 2 assists (+113)
LVP: LordVegas (Food) 0-2 (-179)
Game Length: 26:24

AML Pre-Season Round 4

Blasphemy bt Forever Silent 1-0
FS no-show

DAMN_Yankees bt Zeta-Squadron 12-5
MVP: GGF (DY) 5-1, 2 KO's, 1 assist (+187)
LVP: HBK (Zeta) 1-3 (-211)
Game Length: 22:52

NightBane bt StarFire Elite 12-5
MVP: DarkDisparage (NB) 3-0, 2 KO's, 1 assist (+137)
LVP: Raspi (SFE) 0-3 (-289)
Game Length: 21:00

CtrlShift bt Llamasery 12-1
MVP: Islord (CS) 4-1, 2 KO's, 2 assists (+188)
LVP: StormKat (llamas) 0-3 (-328)
Game Length: 9:32

Anarchists bt Wisdom Academy 12-7
MVP: A Zen Master (WA) 3-3, 1 KO, 1 assist (+150)
LVP: A naked duck (WA) 2-3, 1 assist (-89)
Game Length 28:44

Secret bt CHAOS*ZONE 12-3
MVP: Tursiops (Sec) 4-0, 2 KO's, 1 assist (+111)
LVP: EPA (CZ) 0-3 9-162)
Game Length 21:34

DeepBlue bt Gamed 1-0
Gamed no-show

ElementalForces bt TEAM HOCKEY ZONE 12-4
MVP: Technocop (EF) 3-0, 1 KO, 2 assists (+85)
LVP: white_0men (THZ) 0-3 (-265)
Game Length: 19:31

7rominence bt CRIPS 12-4
MVP: pers (7rom) 4-1, 2 KO's (+101)
LVP: Harry Dunn (CRIPS) 0-3, 1 assist (-183)
Game Length: 15:43

Shadow bt }Silence{ 12-2
MVP: ricKy (Shad) 3-1, 1 KO (+103)
LVP: Jauggernaut (Silence) 1-3 (-285)
Game Length: 10:46

Victimise bt Oracle X
MVP: ampheres (Vic) 5-2, 1 KO (+116)
LVP: Myrer (OX) 0-1, 1 assist (-171)
Game Length: 36:54

Fly-NDeath bt Warlords 12-4
MVP: ZDeathX (FnD) 3-0, 1 KO, 2 assists (+119)
LVP: Laffee (WL's) 0-2, 1 TK, 1 KO, 1 assist (-171)
Game Length: 23:42

BlackNike bt Disavowed 12-9
MVP: Frowzy (BN) 4-2, 2 KO's, 3 assists (+75)
LVP: Sephiroso (Dis) 1-3, 1 assist (-52)
Game Length: 39:19

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Player Movement

Tomorrow is the last round of pre-season and squads are beginning to look pretty settled. Only one more week until the main roster lock so expect a few players to move squads this weekend and also for Redshift's roster to empty quickly now they've pulled out of Pro. Remember if you click on the League name you will see the whole MasterRater transaction page from when the rosters were opened this season. Here's all the main moves this week:

Pro League

Megaman (left redshift, joined starseed)

Etholene (joined bad)

Salami Swammi (joined inferno)

ZDeathX (left bia, joined inferno, left inferno, joined starseed)
ZDX isn't actually on ss's roster yet, so the odds are he'll leave them before he joins them.

Gruntster (leaves foodons, joins tyranny)
Bit of a shocker this one, what will ff do without grunt? There must be a story behind this.

phong (left inferno)


TxTrouble (joined ballistics)

destroy (joined foodons)

Weed (joined dedication)

W a v e (joined dissent)

Mr. Knife (joined dwings)

clam (left bop, joined dwings)

0void (joined reds)
A suggestion. Instead of speccing to save your stats, just stay in spec all the time.

Sky (joined prevail)

Rezzin (joined prevail)


Drunk Virus (joined ctrlshift)

DMD (joined ox)

A fowl wind (left redshift, joined ctrlshift)
I guess by next season ctrlshift/oldshift will be back to being called redshift.

Killer88 (left 7rom)
Probably 7rom's best player when active and not a good sign for how the season is going to go for them.

Crumbs (joined elementalforces)
Don't these people know dk is on ef?

Crayzee (joined secret)

Hell Razed (left fd)

Friday, August 27, 2004


vorbis> BARBIE
Barbarian> ya
Barbarian> FOR WHAT
vorbis> THE BLOG
vorbis> i need one line for the blog, like last week. the fans demand it
Barbarian> OH
Barbarian> I SEE HRMM
Barbarian> wait
Barbarian> dont use sav's cock
Barbarian> Someone else's cock
vorbis> who's?
Barbarian> I PONDER

Week 4 Schedule

All the times for Sundays games, plus the MR point spread. All times are in EST:

Pro League Pre-Season Round 3

Assassins vs Betrayal @ 2pm (ass by 0.5)

BIA vs Tyranny @ 4pm (tyr by 1.0)

MMA vs darkslayers @ 5pm (mma by 3.5)

Juggernaut vs EGO @ 5pm (ego by 4.5)

Bad vs Symphony @ 6pm (even)

Inferno vs Betrayal @ 6pm (bet by 6.0)

Starseed vs Birds of Prey @ 7pm (ss by 6.0)

Boundless vs Inferno @ 7pm (bound by 4.0)

IML Pre-Season Round 2

ReDS vs Dragonwings @ 2pm (reds by 0.5)

Dedication vs Prevail @ 3pm (prevail by 1.0)

In Flames vs Spell @ 3pm (spell by 0.5)

Llamasery vs Nightwatch @ 4pm (even)

Dissent vs The Nine @ 5pm (nine by 0.5)

Foodons vs BALLISTICS @ 7pm (even)

AML Pre-Season Round 4

Blasphemy vs Forever Silent @ 2pm (blas by 4.5)

DAMN_Yankees vs Zeta-Squadron @ 3pm (dy by 3.5)

StarFire Elite vs Nightbane @ 3pm (even)

Llamasery vs CtrlShift @ 3pm (llamas by 1.5)

Anarchists vs Wisdom Academy @ 4pm (narchs by 2.5)

Secret vs CHAOS*ZONE @ 4pm (secret by 3.0)

Gamed vs DeepBlue @ 5pm (db by 6.5)

TEAM HOCKEY ZONE vs ElementalForces @ 6pm (ef by 5.5)

7rominence vs CRIPS @ 6pm (7rom by 3.5)

Shadow vs }Silence{ @ 7pm (silence by 1.0)

Victimise vs Oracle X @ 8pm (ox by 0.5)

Fly-NDeath vs Warlords @ 8pm (wl's by 6.5)

Disavowed vs BlackNike @ 9pm (dis by 1.0)

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Pro League Pro Wrestling Predictions

With the vorbometer in AML and the three word predictions for IML I needed something equally half-assed for my pro predictions. I stumbled across a program called Zeus with allows you to sim wrestling bouts. So a few quick name changes and I bring you the Pro League Pro Wrestling Predictions. It would take far too long to sim a whole round, so I just picked the match of the week to do, which this round is....

Assassins vs. Betrayal

Mr-Bot - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 500 pounds, he holds the Pro League title belt, Assassins!!!

[Assassins comes to the ring. ]

Mr-Bot - and his opponent, weighing in at 246 pounds, from Warzone CTF, Betrayal!!!

[Betrayal walks to the ring. Pushead+ is the referee for this contest. Ass places Bet on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Ass gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Bet. (ring, ring, ring) Ass uses a snap mare takeover on Bet. Bet gets up. Ass uses a lariat on Betrayal. Betrayal gets back to his feet. Betrayal trys for a tiger suplex but is unable to lift Assassins.Bet gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Ass grabs Bet's leg and takes him down. Now Bet standing. Betrayal trys for a cross-body block but Assassins avoids it. Bet and Assassins go to the floor Pushead+ starts the count (.1) (..2) Bet rakes his fingers across Ass's back. (...3) Ass legsweeps Betrayal. Betrayal is back on his feet. (....4) Bet grabs Assassins by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Betrayal and Ass move back to ringside. Betrayal and Assassins move back into the ring. Flying Tomahawk by Betrayal sends Assassins down to the mat. Ass gets back to his feet. Assassins tackles Bet. Betrayal gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Ass. Ass is up again. Assassins knees Betrayal and rolls back to his feet. Ass applies an arm wrench to Betrayal. ]

Ghost Ship - arm wrench!

[Bet gets up. Assassins picks up Bet and front slams him on the mat. ]

Nelson - What a front slam!!

[Bet gets knock to the ground while Ass locks him in the chinlock deathlock submission. Pushead+ asks Bet if he quits. ... ... Bet is fighting the hold. Ass breaks the hold. Assassins and Bet go to the floor Pushead+ starts the count (.1) ]

Nelson - Ass is taking it to Betrayal.

[(..2) Ass stomps Betrayal. (...3) Ass fist drops Bet on the floor. (....4) Bet legsweeps Assassins. ]

Ghost Ship - Betrayal executes a legsweep.

[(.....5) Bet and Ass move back into the ring. Betrayal stomps Assassins. ]

Nelson - Ass takes a stomp.

[Betrayal executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Assassins. Bet stands up. Assassins climbs to his feet. Assassins hiptosses Bet. Bet moves back to his feet. Ass picks up Bet and hits him with a Back Suplex. Now Assassins standing. Ass chokes Betrayal. Kneelock submission applied by Assassins. The referee is checking the situation. ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) Assassins breaks the hold. Ass sends Betrayal to ringside. ]

Ghost Ship - Bet is much safer at ringside. Ass can't get a pin there.

[Pushead+ starts the count (.1) ]

Nelson - Betrayal is getting the crap kicked out of him!

[Betrayal gets back to his feet. (..2) Betrayal trys for a gutbuster but is unable to lift Assassins.(...3) Bet throws Ass off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. ]

Ghost Ship - Bet with a diving shoulder block.

[Ass moves back to his feet. (....4) Betrayal slaps Assassins in the face. Bet stands up. Assassins sends Bet into Pushead+ he goes down. Assassins tackles Bet to the floor. Assassins runs in and leg drops Betrayal. Betrayal moves back to his feet. Tyranny runs to ringside. Tyr piledrives Betrayal. Tyr leg drops the throat of Betrayal. Ordered is restored. Pushead+ gets up. Ass and Bet move back into the ring. Ass executes a piledriver on Bet. Ass with a falling splash on Betrayal. Assassins moves back to his feet. Ass hooks Betrayal in an armlock leglock submission. Pushead+ is checking for a tap out. ... Ass tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... Ass tightens the hold. ... ... Betrayal trys to escape. ... ... Ass tightens the hold. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Betrayal taps out. ]

Nelson - We've got ourselves a winner!

Mr-Bot - The winner of this match, Assassins!!!

The Money Line

I should of known as soon as I started a gambling column I'd start losing. In AML I made 3 bets, losing two and making a $250 loss. The bet that saved me was taking Zeta over llamas at 5-2. I did even worse in IML. In 4 bets I got 1 win, 1 push and 2 losses which gave me a net loss of $2,000. The biggest hit I took was ReDS losing to Dedication. Pro was even worse, I lost 2 and 1 was pushed. I was close though. I took the spread on Starseed at 6 over EGO and they lost by 7 and the spread on BoP at 7.5 over Betrayal and they lost by 8. I ended up dropping $1,500.

The way I bet I'm probably always going to lose more bets than I win, but make up for it in the payouts on my winning bets. I'm not looking for betting on the favourites, I'm looking to make bets which give the biggest payouts. I'm not betting against teams, I'm betting against predictors.

In AML the best bet right now is CRIPS over 7rom. A CRIPS wins gives you a 4.50x payout. Last week against us CRIPS showed 4 from the start and played good enough to make me think they'd take out a squad like 7rom pretty easily. The next best bet is }Silence{ over Shadow. Both of these are new squads from non-SVS zones (silence from the gauntlet and shadow from trench wars) so I can't see any real favourite in this game which makes a 2.33x payout on shadow worth a few imaginary dollars. The rest of the match-ups are too close to get good odds or the favourites will win easily. But if you're looking for spread bets I'd take FnD (+6.5) against Warlords.

In IML all the games are really tight which means no big payouts. Despite last weeks mess ReDS are 11-7 favourites over Dwings which gives a 1.57x payout on a Dwings win which is the only bet worth making right now.

Pro matches still aren't open, with all games 3 predictions away. Like IML, there's not many bets to be made. The only real underdog worth your money is on Inferno beating Boundless which would give you a 6x payout right now, although that may change when the betting opens. For pro I'd look to make spread bets again with BoP (+7) over Starseed and MMA (-2.50) over ds the top two.

Good luck and I'll let you know how I got on next week

Hanging Chads in Pro

Nelson inspects the votes

Right now in Pro the big story is that three squads (Assassins, MMA and Symphony) have forfeited their first regular season match for not voting in the Pro Senate on the number of games the semi finals should be held over (In the end the vote was to make them best of three).

You may of missed this as most of the arguments have taken place not on the league forums, but the comments page on the main website which you can read here and the original post on the Pro forums here.

Now I'm in favour of having a Pro senate and personally I'd support all three leagues using them. Not making major changes unless the squads approve them is a good thing, but you can't force people to vote in this way. Some squad captains are like me and will start 150 post threads on every change the staff want to make, some squad captains will vote when asked but otherwise not care and some squad captains don't vote and are just happy to play matches under whatever rules and conditions the staff make.

Nothing wrong with any of those three positions and you're not going to make people care more by blackmailing them into voting, that's just going to make them hostile to any changes the staff offer. Having a Pro senate is good, offering the players a chance for feedback and to vote is good, forcing them to vote and punishing them if they don't is bad. It's bad for the league (round 1 in pro is now a joke) and it's bad for staff. Nelson has been the best sysop pro have had in a long time, but things like this will lose him the respect of the captains and players.

But wait, there's more. Of the three squads that forfeited their game, two of them (MMA and Symph) actually did vote. But as they didn't post on the thread, only voted on the poll, it counts as a non-vote anyway. Turns out that not only must you vote, you must justify which way you voted to the staff or forfeit games.


Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Because Vorbis is forcing me

I don't know what to type here, so I'll post some truths:

- Nightingale is God.

- In Flames will win IML.

- Victimise will almost win AML, but then won't.

- Vorbis will probably delete this post.

- Subspace is the best fucking game in the world. Except when it isn't.

- I'm going to work.

(Originally posted by Nightingale)

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Meet the new template.....

....just the same as the old template. While Tenet was posting on the comments about how much he hated the new template I was trying to fix the probelms, specifically the font size. It looks like the problem is with trying to change the template to use on eBloggy.

So until I can fix it, or find a template that will work it's back to orange.

You all love it anyway.

New Template

So it turns out that I'm the only orange fan in Subspace. I've put in a new template and this time I've managed not to delete my account while doing it.

I've taken it from a different blog site so I had to do some work to get it to work on eBloggy. I think I've got it right, but let me know if you notice any bugs.

I think the fonts still need some work, I'll give that a go when I have some more time.

The IML Three Word Predictions

If you missed last week's three word predictions you can find them on the lost posts page which I've now put a link up to in the archives section on the right. I'm still going to hold off on doing full AML predictions until next week and the start of the regular season, but I am planning some Pro stuff for later in the week. Anyway here they are. I welcome any comments as long as they're only two words (and not ending in off).

Dedication vs Prevail

Not This Week (Prevail by 8)

Dissent vs The Nine

Ent Needs Ringers (9 by 5)


MOW MY LAWN (Foods by 2)

In Flames vs Spell

Ana Mal Ech (Spell by 2)

Llamasery vs Nightwatch

Llamas Will SurprisealotofpeoplethisseasonandIexpectthemtogodeepintotheplayoffs (llamas by 3)

ReDS vs Dragonwings

Reds Is Rusty (Dwings by 5)

Monday, August 23, 2004

Week 3 Results

All the scores from yesterdays matches:

Pro League Pre-Season Round 2

Betrayal bt Symphony 12-3 (MVP: Slimster 4-1)

Juggernaut bt Redshift 1-0 (Redshift no-show)

BIA bt MMA 12-6 (MVP: ZombieBobie 4-2)

EGO bt Starseed 12-5 (MVP: bhang 6-0)

Bad bt Boundless 12-6 (MVP: Semi 4-1)

Assassins bt Inferno 12-5 (MVP: Dingo 4-1)

Tyranny bt darkslayers 10-4 (MVP: Supremacist 4-0)

Betrayal bt Birds of Prey 12-4 (MVP: banned 5-0)

IML Pre-Season Round 1

Dedication bt ReDS 12-2 (MVP: scary 5-0)

Prevail bt Dragonwings 12-5 (MVP: Nightwasp 5-0)

In Flames bt Dissent 12-9 (MVP: Rifle 5-1)

Spell bt The Nine 9-8 in OT (MVP: Khamul 4-1)

Foodons bt Llamasery 12-5 (MVP: KyleC. 6-1)

BALLISTICS bt Nightwatch 12-8 (MVP: Dantos 4-2)

AML Pre-Season Round 3

DeepBlue bt Fly-NDeath 12-3 (MVP: mrboop 4-0)

NightBane bt Secret 12-3 (MVP: DarkDisparage 3-1)

TEAM HOCKEY ZONE bt Wisdom Academy 12-5 (MVP: HeavyD 2-0)

ElementalForces bt Anarchists 12-5 (MVP: Vezuvan 3-0)

Zeta-Squadron bt llamasery 12-3 (MVP: The Tri Guy 6-0)

StarFireElite bt CHAOS*ZONE 12-2 (MVP: Banner 4-1)

BlackNike bt Gamed 12-0 (MVP: Drue. 3-0)

7rominence bt }Silence{ 12-7 (MVP: Pers 6-2)

DAMN_Yankees bt CtrlShift 12-3 (MVP: POISON 5-0)

Victimise bt CRIPS 12-4 (MVP: vorb 3-0)

Shadow bt Forever Silent 1-0 (FS no-show)

Disavowed bt Oracle X 12-4 (MVP: Tragon 6-0)

Warlords bt Blasphemy 12-4 (MVP Sacred Remedy 5-0)

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Subspace Movie Posters

"The cinema is for us the most important instrument of all the arts." - V. Lenin

Can't argue with a dead man, especialy if he was an evil genius mass-murdering tyrant. What he forgot to mention was that movies take too much time and effort to make. Don't believe me? Try asking 'a tool' for some flash predictions. Wear a kevlar vest first.
Therefore, since my time is very limited, lame poster edits will do for now. (click to enlarge)

"Vorbisman" is a mini-series about an escaped mental patient who evades police by becoming an anchorman of a premier eblog.

Tune in weekly to watch him predict games and write up surprisingly amusing works of sarcasm.

The next movie barely passed the premier rating committee due to the high possibility of post-traumatic stress and obsession by certain audience categories.

I just can't resist a good stab. If you enjoyed the above I can make it a weekly section. Cheers!

(Originally posted by Tenet)

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Katrina Must Go

This was one of the posts I deleted (see below), but I thought it was worth re-posting. Not that I'm a vindictive person you understand. Hold on.... that's exactly what I am.

First of all you should go here. and read tomatoes post and my reply to it. For those of you new to Premier League Katrina runs the waiting list and is sysop of Spring League. What? you don't know what spring league is? Not surprising as since Kat has run it there hasn't actually been one. Not that I'm blaming her for that, but I am blaming her for the state of the waiting list.

Ever since she took over from Sephiroso (how cosy) the waiting list has always been chronically out of date. Looking at the latest list, around 80% of the squads have either folded or are playing league right now. I doubt that Kat knows who 80% of these squads are and that's the main problem here.

Katrina isn't in charge of the waiting list because she is a regular visitor to the forums or knows a lot about what the current squad situation in Subspace looks like right now. Kat is in charge of the waiting list because she needs to be in charge of something. She is upper staff, but actually has nothing to do as Spring League hasn't been active since AML Season 5 (Season 1 of Premier League). So she has been thrown this bone and since she is upper staff it seams she can get away with doing next to nothing and trashing the shit out of anyone who questions her.

As I said in my post on the thread, that forum is one of the first entry points for new players and new squads. The way Katrina is running it is costing us new players and new squads. We need someone to run the waiting list who wants to do the job, we needs someone to run the waiting list who has some knowledge about premier league squads and we need someone to run the waiting list who will visit the forums at least once a week to keep them updated. This person doesn't have to be a sysop, in fact they don't actually need any in-game powers at all.

Right now I'd settle for anyone but Katrina.

Old Posts

You can you read all the old posts by clicking here. Also, I worked out what I did. I'd set up a second blog to test out a new template, but when I'd finished using it instead of deleting that blog I deleted my whole account. I rock :(

Player Movement

Another weekly column type thing I'm going to do on here. At the end of every week I'll round up all the main player movements that have happened. All roster movements are recorded on MasterRater, if you click on the league names below you can see the full list of transactions made since the rosters were opened. The next couple of weeks will be the busiest time for player movement. Once Round 1 of the regular season starts the rosters are locked, so if you're on a roster then leave you cannot play for another squad until the following season. There is a second roster lock in round 4 for players who aren't on rosters, who are allowed to join squads up untill then . After round 4 there is no player movement.

So here's what happened this week and don't forget that you can click on the league name to see the complete list of transactions so far this season:

Pro League

Bobby D (joined Assassins)

Benji (left Juggernaut, joined Juggernaut)
Go Figure

FLOo (left Redshift, joined Juggernaut)
This might be the first indication that RS aren't going to make it out of the pre-season

Miner (joined Symphony)

Astrox (joined Symphony)

Fyou (joined BIA)

Savage (left OX, joined Inferno, left Inferno, joined BIA)

Devastator (left Starseed)


Barbarian (joined Spell)

Kril (joined ReDS)

sixth (left OX, joined Inferno, left Inferno, joined Prevail)

riptide (joined Foodons)

With this being the first pre-season round and with no seven day waiting period for new players in effect I'd expect to see a lot of player movement just before game time. specially from Prevail and ReDS.


Voodoo (joined EF, left EF, re-joined EF aliased?)
I'm 90% sure that mouser=voodoo

Myrer (joined OX)

Cardiac (joined DY)
I have no idea who these new guys on DY are, but with Blackdragon not playing league this season I can't help thinking about Unforeseen....

Week 3 Schedule

I did post this before the great blog fuck-up (I must of done something to cause it to be deleted, I just don't know what), so here it is again; all the games that will be played tomorrow. All times are in EST and I've also included the point spread from MasterRater:

Pro League Pre-Season Round 2

Betrayal vs Symphony @ 2pm (Bet by 2.0)

Redshift vs Juggernaut @ 3pm (RS by 1.5)

BIA vs MMA @ 4pm (BIA by 2.5)

Starseed vs EGO @ 4pm (EGO by 6.0)

Bad vs Boundless @ 5pm (Bound by 5.5)

Inferno vs Assassins @ 6pm (Ass by 5.5)

Tyranny vs darkslayers @ 7pm (Tyr by 3.5)

Birds of Prey vs Betrayal @ 7pm (Bet by 7.5)

IML Pre-Season Round 1

Dedication vs ReDS @ 2pm (ReDS by 2.0)

Prevail vs Dagonwings @ 2pm (Prevail by 3.0)

Dissent vs In Flames @ 3pm (Dissent by 2.5)

Spell vs The Nine @ 3pm (even)

Foodons vs Llamasery @ 4pm (Foodons by 3.0)

BALLISTICS vs Nightwatch @ 6pm (Balls by 5.0)

AML Pre-Season Round 3

Secret vs NightBane @ 1pm (NB by 1.0)

TEAM HOCKEY ZONE vs Wisdom Academy @ 2pm (WA by 3.5)

Anarchists vs ElementalForces @ 4pm (EF by 2.5)

Llamasery vs Zeta-Squadron @ 4pm (llamas by 1.5)

StarFire Elite vs CHAOS*ZONE @ 4pm (SFE by 4.5)

Gamed vs BlackNike @ 5pm (BN by 5.5)

7rominence vs }Silence{ @ 5pm (7rom by 3.0)

DAMN_Yankees vs CtrlShift @ 6pm (DY by 2.5)

Victimise vs CRIPS @ 6pm (Vic by 6.5)

Shadow vs Forever Silent @ 6pm (Shadow by 2.5)

Disavowed by Oracle X @ 9pm (OX by 0.5)

Blasphemy vs Warlords @ 9pm (WL's by 2.5)

Fly-NDeath vs DeepBlue @ 10pm (DB by 3.0)


I'm not exactly sure what happened, but my account got deleted and so did the blog so I've had to re-make it. I've sent out invites to everyone who already signed-up to post. Just accept again and you're back in business.

The posts aren't lost though. In a couple of days you'll be able to see them by using the Cached option on google. Once all the posts are in the cache (right now it goes up to the 18th) I'll host them on victimise's site and put a link here to them.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Prediction of the week

P Barbarian> VORBIS
P vorbis> BARBIE
P vorbis> ?
P 9-Volt> 1211
P vorbis> ez

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Katrina Must Go

First of all you should go here and read tomatoes post and my reply to it. For those of you new to Premier League Katrina runs the waiting list and is sysop of Spring League. What? you don't know what spring league is? Not surprising as since Kat has run it there hasn't actually been one. Not that I'm blaming her for that, but I am blaming her for the state of the waiting list.

Ever since she took over from Sephiroso (how cosy) the waiting list has always been chronically out of date. Looking at the latest list, around 80% of the squads have either folded or are playing league right now. I doubt that Kat knows who 80% of these squads are and that's the main problem here.

Katrina isn't in charge of the waiting list because she is a regular visitor to the forums or knows a lot about what the current squad situation in Subspace looks like right now. Kat is in charge of the waiting list because she needs to be in charge of something. She is upper staff, but actually has nothing to do as Spring League hasn't been active since AML Season 5 (Season 1 of Premier League). So she has been thrown this bone and since she is upper staff it seams she can get away with doing next to nothing and trashing the shit out of anyone who questions her.

As I said in my post on the thread, that forum is one of the first entry points for new players and new squads. The way Katrina is running it is costing us new players and new squads. We need someone to run the waiting list who wants to do the job, we needs someone to run the waiting list who has some knowledge about premier league squads and we need someone to run the waiting list who will visit the forums at least once a week to keep them updated. This person doesn't have to be a sysop, in fact they don't actually need any in-game powers at all.

Right now I'd settle for anyone but Katrina.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004


Yeah, you heard it right. Everyones favorite predictions are coming back, and in full force. Back by popular demand from Purple and other adoring fans I will make them more unique then ever with even more trash-talk.

I usually reserve them for AML, but seeing how I am elite I will do them for all... or will I? Stay tuned.

(Originally posted by High Voltage)

The Money Line

A new column for the PremBlog. Each week I'll look at the best bets to place to make yourself some imaginary money. For those of you that don't know this, MasterRater as well as allowing you to predict on games also allows you to gamble too. When you register a name you're given $10,000 for each league to wager with. The odds are calculated from the predictions which means if you're quick and smart you can place some bets with some outrageous odds. To predict and bet on AML matches go here, for IML go here and for Pro here.

If I started this Blog last week you could of been in on the Secret/Warlords game. For some reason Warlords were favoured by 24-1. I got in on Secret at 13-1 and won $13,000 on a $1,000 stake. No-one else bet on Secret. Again Warlords are favoured to win this week, this time they're 11-3 over Blasphemy. That's a 3.67x return on a blas win. I'm going to hold off on that as I expect the odds to widen through the week. Warlords are going to put my imaginary kids through imaginary college. EF for some reason are 3 points favourites over Anarchists which is the best bet to make right now. Another one to watch is Llamas vs Zeta. Llamas are favoured 10-4 which gives you a 2.50x payout on a Zeta win. I doubt you'll get better odds on Zeta than that this week and you should get in on it now.

Right now all the action is in AML. You need to have at least 10 predictions on a match before gambling is open on that game and no other league but AML has done that yet. IML is slowly getting there and all the games should be open by tonight. The best bet in IML right now is the Dedication/ReDS match. Dedi are favoured 6-3 which gives you a 2x payout on a ReDS win, but I can't see those odds holding out for much longer. With this being the first round in IML and with most teams working out the rust and trying out new lines I'd be looking to place spread bets. I predict that Nightwatch (+4.5), In Flames (+3.5) and Dragonwings (+2.0) will all make the spread in their matches and are worth betting on.

Betting in Pro isn't even close to being open this round. I think the lack of predictors is mostly due to Pro teams not taking pre-season that seriously. Look for more predictions and gambling to be open when the regular season starts.

That's it for now. I'll let you know how I got in next weeks column.

-Vorbis 'The Greek'

The Money Line

A new column for the PremBlog. Each week I'll look at the best bets to place to make yourself some imaginary money. For those of you that don't know this, MasterRater as well as allowing you to predict on games also allows you to gamble too. When you register a name you're given $10,000 for each league to wager with. The odds are calculated from the predictions which means if you're quick and smart you can place some bets with some outrageous odds. To predict and bet on AML matches go here, for IML go here and for Pro here.

If I started this Blog last week you could of been in on the Secret/Warlords game. For some reason Warlords were favoured by 24-1. I got in on Secret at 13-1 and won $13,000 on a $1,000 stake. No-one else bet on Secret. Again Warlords are favoured to win this week, this time they're 11-3 over Blasphemy. That's a 3.67x return on a blas win. I'm going to hold off on that as I expect the odds to widen through the week. Warlords are going to put my imaginary kids through imaginary college. EF for some reason are 3 points favourites over Anarchists which is the best bet to make right now. Another one to watch is Llamas vs Zeta. Llamas are favoured 10-4 which gives you a 2.50x payout on a Zeta win. I doubt you'll get better odds on Zeta than that this week and you should get in on it now.

Right now all the action is in AML. You need to have at least 10 predictions on a match before gambling is open on that game and no other league but AML has done that yet. IML is slowly getting there and all the games should be open by tonight. The best bet in IML right now is the Dedication/ReDS match. Dedi are favoured 6-3 which gives you a 2x payout on a ReDS win, but I can't see those odds holding out for much longer. With this being the first round in IML and with most teams working out the rust and trying out new lines I'd be looking to place spread bets. I predict that Nightwatch (+4.5), In Flames (+3.5) and Dragonwings (+2.0) will all make the spread in their matches and are worth betting on.

Betting in Pro isn't even close to being open this round. I think the lack of predictors is mostly due to Pro teams not taking pre-season that seriously. Look for more predictions and gambling to be open when the regular season starts.

That's it for now. I'll let you know how I got in next weeks column.

-Vorbis 'The Greek'

Good Game You Staff Newbies

Well, seeing how Vorbis has kindly set up this state of the art, unique, and interesting piece of work, I decided to use it to my advantage. Vorbis has made it clear that the majority of the staff are a bunch of wankers and they ban anybody for just about any reason imaginable.

Example, take me! I know I am the person everyone loves to hate, but seriously I am banned not once, not twice but three separate times because I posted on a lousy forum! Ace got in a hissy fit just because I created an alternate username on the old shanky forums and responded to some topics. Then he has "comment" sections on the main webpage, and I just post and he gets mad again. This is how bright this guy is, he sends me a private forum message apparently saying I am banned, yet when I check the message it says "you cannot check your messages because you are banned from the forums." I am interested, so I log into the game.... I am silenced for 30 days, outstanding! The next day, Ace messages me and says each time I post on the forums I will get an extended ban. I have not posted once on his silly forums or webpage, I just simply message him in-game and say "fuck off." What do you know, another ban!

Passplay then gets an idea, lets add onto that ban because I want to set an example. Apparently, the staff thinks Passplay favours me, so he had to ban me under pressure... again because I wrote on a forum.

Shouldn't cheaters be prosecuted more than this?

I just want to play fucking league this season for my squad, but I cannot thanks to these fuckheads. I have been banned for easier things than this.. try calling Cerium and his bots shit, and me saying a racial comment. That landed me a 3 month ban there, go figure.

These staff fuckers have banned a lot of pilots for small amounts of trash talk. It is part of a game, not a fucking utopian society here. Suck my cock you useless cunts, you are incompetent and you defend every action taken by your pathetic staff core. I will probably get an extended ban because I am bad mouthing them on a website not even run by them. This will show once again, they are a bunch of assclowns. Do something constructive for league once, and try to gain some respect.


(originally posted by High Voltage)

The IML three word predictions

Most of the stuff I'll write on here will be about AML as that's the league I play in, although my own AML predictions won't start until the regular season. Hopefully guys from the other two leagues will start posting to cover IML and Pro. To fill the gap until then I unveil my IML three word predictions:

BALLISTICS vs Nightwatch

Ace Must Die (Balls by 4)

Dedication vs ReDS

Won't Finish Season (ReDS by 8)

Dissent vs In Flames

Swedes Gone Wild (IF by 2)

Foodons vs Llamasery

Gruntster Likes Boys (Foodons by 3)

Prevail vs Dragonwings

They Won't Prevail (Dwings by 4)

Spell vs The Nine

Nine Have Eight (Spell by 5)

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Weekend Schedule

This weekend sees all three leagues playing for the first time, here's all the match-ups:

Pro League Pre-Season Round 2


Inferno vs Assassins

Betrayal vs Symphony

Starseed vs EGO

Tyranny vs darkslayers

Redshift vs Juggernaut

Birds of Prey vs Betrayal

Bad vs Boundless

IML Pre-Season Round 1

Dedication vs ReDS

BALLISTICS vs Nightwatch

Prevail vs Dragonwings

Spell vs The Nine

Fighting Foodons vs Llamasery

Dissent vs In Flames

AML Pre-Season Round 3

Disavowed vs Oracle X

Gamed vs BlackNike

TEAM HOCKEY ZONE vs Wisdom Academy

DAMN_Yankees vs CtrlShift

Secret vs NightBane

Fly-NDeath vs DeepBlue

7rominence vs }Silence{

Shadow vs Forever Silent

Anarchists vs ElementalForces

Llamasery vs Zeta-Squadron

StarFire Elite vs CHAOS*ZONE

Victimise vs CRIPS

Blasphemy vs Warlords

Episode IV: A new hope

With the staff controlling Premier League with an iron first inside an iron glove holding a big chunk of iron covered iron right now and banning the shit out of us poor players on the smallest of rule infractions I thought it was time for an independent voice to be heard.

The Premier League Blog will contain news, views, articles, results and stats from all three leagues. It's open for anyone to post whatever they like, and I mean anyone.

Register a name on EBloggy then e-mail me with your login and I'll give you posting rights.

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